May 4, 2017 | Bean&Boy News, Markets & Events
It’s almost time to put on your sunnies and join us at the magnificent Southend Festival! It’s running from 27 – 29 May at Chalkwell Park. Here’s what all the fuss is about: In celebration of Southend being the UK’s ‘Alternative City of...
May 3, 2017 | Bean&Boy News, Featured
Probably the most exciting thing since sliced bread. And grapefruit marmalade. And bouncy castles. Yes – that’s us, included in the roundup of gorgeous coastal features in Country Living’s June 2017 issue. What’s coastal about handmade soap you...
May 1, 2017 | Inspiring Women in Business, Products We Like
You may have heard us mention Blaze’s Tasty Treats on this blog more than once (here and here) and that’s because they’re just so flipping fabulous. Selena Byrne, mastermind behind this poochy business, is a wizard in the doggie kitchen and her shop...
Apr 28, 2017 | Bean&Boy News, Gifts, Products We Like
We’re so ridiculously excited: this bundle of beautiful Seedball Tins have arrived in the post today, all ready to be wrapped up for our brand new Green Fingers Gardener’s Soap hampers. We have them in four varieties: Bee Mix, Butterfly Mix, Urban Meadow...
Apr 27, 2017 | Bean&Boy News, Featured, Handmade Soaps, Soap Ingredients
Have we mentioned lately how much appreciation we have for Etsy and their love of our all-natural handmade charcoal soap? They’ve only gone and included us in their top round-up of natural soaps! There are some lovely soaps on the list too – Bourbon Soap!...