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The information provided by Bean & Boy on our website and via other social media channels is for personal information and interest only. It is not intended to offer professional medical advice or treatment for any condition. You should not use our site or advice within to treat health conditions or to self-diagnose. We recommend that you consult your GP or nurse if you have any health concerns whatsoever.

All of our advice has been provided on the basis that there are no known contra-indications to treatment. If you have any health problems or are taking any medication you should seek advice from your healthcare provider prior to using aromatherapy. We would also advise that you make an appointment with a local aromatherapist who will be able to take a full case history and offer you tailored treatment advice.

Please note that Bean & Boy accepts no liability for misuse of essential oils, natural soap products, suggested uses or recipes, shared information or other products or for any reliance on the information provided by us via our website or other social media channels.

Safety Advice

Essential oils are highly concentrated, powerful liquids. Their potency must be respected and they can be toxic if used incorrectly. The way you handle and use essential oils is very important. Please read the following advice to help ensure that you use essential oils safely and effectively. Please note that this list does not constitute a complete safety reference. If you are unsure please contact a qualified local aromatherapist for more advice.

  • Essential oils are flammable liquids.
  • Keep out of the reach of children and pets
  • If you have a medical condition and are taking any medication or undergoing any type of medical treatment you should check with your doctor and a qualified aromatherapist to ensure that it is safe to use aromatherapy in conjunction with your prescribed treatment.
  • Certain essential oils should be avoided during pregnancy. Please seek professional advice prior to using aromatherapy whilst pregnant.
  • Always consult a qualified aromatherapist before using essential oils with babies, children and pets
  • Never take essential oils orally and avoid all contact with the mouth area and eyes.
  • Essential oils should never be applied undiluted to the skin as they can cause irritation Follow all recipes and methods carefully and do not increase the amount of essential oil quoted.
  • Certain essential oils can cause skin irritation for people with sensitive skin. If you have sensitive skin we recommend performing a small patch test prior to using any new oil or product.
  • A few essential oils such as Bergamot and other citrus oils are phototoxic which means they can cause skin sensitisation and skin discolouration in bright sunlight. These oils should be not be applied to the skin before direct exposure to sunlight.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us. We’d love to hear from you!