Aug 30, 2017 | Bean&Boy News, Featured, Gifts
The amazing makers behind Craftiosity included our lavender soap in their handmade well-being gift guide on Friday: check it out here! In this guide you’ll find everything you need to create a zen-like environment to equip you for the week ahead. Hurray! Oh,...
Aug 15, 2017 | Bean&Boy News, Markets & Events
We usually attend the Leigh-on-Sea Farmer’s Market each month but unfortunately won’t be able to make it this Friday. Both the Bean and the Boy are with me for school holidays and aren’t all that impressed by the prospect of going with mama to market...
Jul 18, 2017 | Inspiring Women in Business
We absolutely fell in love with Floragraphica on instagram: do yourself a favour and go visit them right this instant. Okay okay, read on a little bit but then GO GO GO. You can thank us later. So what does Floragraphica do? Your wedding flowers are the most beautiful...
Jul 17, 2017 | Bean&Boy News, Competitions
WIN SOAP! It’s competition time on our facebook page where you can win two of your favourite Bean & Boy handmade soap bars. We’re swapping out our market display bars and thought it would only be fair to play nice and share with you, so leave us a...
Jul 17, 2017 | Bean&Boy News, Markets & Events
We had an amazing day out at Village Green, although it has taken me a whole week just to recover and catch up. There were tens of thousands of people there – the local newspaper reported 16,500 music lovers attended this year’s event – and many of...