Feb 4, 2019 | DIY Recipes, Essential Oils, Guest Blogs
You may remember Sophie from Betony & Sage after meeting her in a blog post a few moons back (see it here if you want to recap). Today, she’s sharing an amazing DIY recipe for Wild Rosehip Oil. Read on to find out more! The natural world is a constant...
Jan 14, 2019 | Bean&Boy News
Time is just flying by, isn’t it? One minute we are making soap in preparation for the upcoming Christmas markets, and then – in the blink of an eye – we are half way through January. Well, happy new year to you and yours! We all hope that...
Oct 13, 2018 | Inspiring Women in Business
Sometimes you meet a soul who is just so full of the wonderfulness of the earth, you can’t help but connect. Sophie is just like that – a real-life park ranger who makes the most incredible natural herbal oils, candles and smudge sticks inspired by her...
Sep 20, 2018 | Bean&Boy News, Featured
Today we are humbled to be honoured as one of the @smallbizsatuk#smallbiz100
every single soap is handmade in small batches with big love. We use the ancient cold process method (with a few modern twists) to honour the time-old method of making natural skincare that...
Sep 10, 2018 | Awards, Bean&Boy News, Featured
[SOUTHEND-ON-SEA, 10 SEPTEMBER 2018]: Southend-on-Sea’s Bean and Boy has been named as one of the UK’s top ‘Small Biz 100’ by Small Business Saturday. Bean and Boy, making traditional cold process soap by hand in small batches, has been selected as a trail-blazer in...