Having Fun at the Southend Festival

Having Fun at the Southend Festival

We had a fabulous time at the Southend Festival on Bank Holiday Weekend. It started out with thunderstorms and rain but it ended up magnificently sunny and a great family day out. There were clowns, performers, live music, local bands, loads of games, funfair rides, a...
Top 100 Soapmaking Blogs

Top 100 Soapmaking Blogs

We have been included in the roundup of the BEST 100 SOAPMAKING BLOGS ON THE PLANET. Massive thanks to Feedspot for including us in spot #65 in this comprehensive global list. It’s quite exciting to be included alongside some of our favourite soaping blogs like...
Father’s Day is Coming! BEER SOAP

Father’s Day is Coming! BEER SOAP

Father’s Day is on its way (Sunday the 18th of June) and what better way to celebrate dad than with our favourite bloke soap: BEER soap! Etsy thinks so too, they’ve used our product photo in the “Gifts for Him Under £25” for Father’s Day...