creative business card swap


You’re awesome.

You put love and time and creative energy into everything you make.

You do a happy dance every time you get an order.

You want to reach more customers, connect with other businesses and support other talented makers.

But you just don’t have all the extra time to make that happen as much as you’d like.

Sound familiar? We know all too well how hard it is to get the time to attend networking events and to connect with other makers outside of the digital world of social media. When you’re hard at work with your hands, balancing work and family life, or just trying to get orders out between markets or pop ups. We get it. But you still need to shout out about your awesome business and get some exposure for the amazing things you create.

That’s why we’ve created the CREATIVE BUSINESS CARD SWAP. It’s a bit like an artist’s trading card, but with a networking twist.

All you need is a creative business and an instagram account. #cbcs



  1. Sign up the swap date you want to take part in. You can send as many swaps as you like, and take part in as many events as you like.
  2. You get assigned a secret swap partner. You get a  link to their profile and their business website so you can learn a bit more about what they do. Someone gets assigned your profile, too. The person you send to and the person you receive from will be different. Exciting.
  3. You create something especially for your recipient to a trade value of £10. You pack it up and send it out to them within the swap deadline. Express your business in a creative and bespoke “business card” that showcases your talents.
  4. Your swap partner receives their box of amazingness and shouts out on instagram and other social channels.
  5. You connect with a real, amazing, talented maker and their business and forge an actual relationship. Plus added bonus social media traffic and additional exposure to a brand new audience.
  6. YOU GET A SWAP PARCEL TOO! Wahoo! Lovely things in the post!
  7. We don’t charge you for any of this. We just want an opportunity to help connect our awesome creative community.



A CREATIVE BUSINESS CARD is a creative way to express what your business does in a small and meaningful way. In a traditional artist trading card swap, you create a business-card sized piece of art using your skills and talents. You then post it out to your swap partner and they get to shout out about it on social media and their blog or website. 

What we’re doing is making it less about the size of the card, and more about the medium that you use every day to create amazing products. 

You get to make something amazing for another talented maker, and then post it out to them with a short note of appreciation. You’ll get one in return – from someone totally different! 

All makers are invited to take part, from aromatherapists to ceramicists, jewellery-makers to cake-makers and seamstresses.

Express your business in a creative and bespoke “business card” that showcases your talents.

You also get bonus sharing, link-building and exposure from the CREATIVE BUSINESS CARD SWAP team.



  1. We don’t limit the size of your swap, but we do limit the value. All swaps must be trading value of £10. This helps us to ensure that everyone gets a fair swap.
  2. You get assigned a secret swap recipient. You get a  link to their profile and their business website so you can learn a bit more about what they do. It’s up to you to find out more about them, and to create something totally amazing just for them. Someone will do the same for you too.
  3. Each swap event has a sign up deadline for inclusion. After that, we’ll take a week to sort all of the entries and assign someone to you. 
  4. Your swap partner is a secret! You can share your makes, your inspiration and your drive but you can’t share who you are sending the swap to until after the reveal date (and don’t tell them either). Remember, the person you send to and the person you receive from are totally different.
  5. You must post your swap before the deadline.
  6. You must share your received swap across social channels and on your blog or website if you have one. The more you can shout out about your received swap, the better! 


creative business card swap

Who’s taking part in the next swap? JUNE 2018

creative business card swap

Bean & Boy Handmade Soaps

creative business card swap

NailThtSht Hand painted nail art on reusable press on nails

Betony and Sage Nature Inspired Botanical Products

Maranta Macrame Macrame plant hangers, wall art, charms & custom pieces

The Bronte Candle Company Nature Inspired Botanical Products

Faye Hall Design Contemporary Textile Design + Accessories

LouStitches Hand-stitched embroidery art from Yorkshire, UK

Beci Callow Solid Silver Jewellery, Ceramics & Woodwork

Healing with Delmeza Solid Silver Jewellery, Ceramics & Woodwork

Matachushop French mama creating unique items for mummies and kids with attention and happiness

Bobbys Girl Vintage Vintage Shop

La Pom Pom Handcrafted Pom Pom Garlands, Decor and Jewellery

Wilma’s Dessert, Drinks, Bakes and Custom Cakes

Chimps Tea Party Hand-stitched embroidery art from Yorkshire, UK

Kate Gwilliam Embroidered Goods

My Choco’Leight Artisan Handmade Chocolates from Bean to Bar

The Candlemonger Candles made using the finest soy wax & essential oils

Cast + Clay Handmade Homewares

Calico Clouds Beautiful handmade goods for little people (and big people too)

The Craft Club Handmade goodies, workshops and the ladies behind YARN BOMBING!

Mari Elin Jones Hand pulled linocut prints & cards

Georgia De Lotz Bespoke Imagery